Spark AR Creator Day Indonesia

Meta Developer Events

May 1, 2021, 8:00 – 10:00 AM (UTC)

About this event

Sign up now for the Spark AR Creator Day Indonesia and start learning how to create and share augmented reality effects on Facebook and Instagram. Join an interactive, two-hour virtual workshop, where an expert creator will walk you through how to publish an immersive Spark AR effect and answer your questions. You'll have the opportunity to ideate, create and showcase your own effects on the Instagram platform.

Event will hosted in Bahasa Indonesian language!

Spark AR Creator Days are short, virtual workshops, led by AR experts designed to inspire and teach creative professionals and AR enthusiasts how to design, build and publish AR effects using Facebook’s Spark AR platform.

As a participant, you’ll have access to individual and small group coaching, plus helpful resources to help move your own AR ideas from concept to completion. Space is limited, sign up today!


Demi kelancaran workshop, mohon download dan install Spark AR Studio dan Project Kit di bawah ini sebelum workshop dimulai.

Ukuran Spark AR Studio cukup besar (500MB+), jadi pastikan kalian menyiapkan waktu yang cukup untuk mendownloadnya sebelum workshop dimulai

Untuk Project Kit, masukkan angka 0 di price, klik "I Want This", kemudian isi email dan nama kalian untuk mendapatkan link downloadnya

Join pula ke grup Facebook berikut agar kalian dapat share karya kalian setelah workshop. Akan ada hadiah untuk kalian yang bisa menyelesaikan dan membagikan AR effect kalian di sini.

Grup Facebook Spark AR Creator Days:

  • Bagikan efek Instagram baru Anda dan dapatkan lebih banyak umpan balik!

Workshop Agenda

  • Event kick-off and intros (15 min)
  • Guest Speaker AR Journey (15 min)
  • Spark AR Demo & Tutorial (30 min)
  • Design Jam Kick-off and Creator Pods in Breakout Rooms (40 min)
  • Publish Spark AR Effects and Showcase Your New Instagram Effect (20 min)

About Spark AR

Spark AR is the largest platform for mobile augmented reality. Over 400,000 creators from 190 countries use Facebook’s AR creation software, Spark AR Studio, to ideate, design and build AR experiences. And Spark AR Hub, to publish and track the performance of AR effects across the Facebook Family of Apps and devices.

Event Partner: madebyhumans

madebyhumans is the home for next-gen artist ranging from augmented reality, visual effects, game development, and motion graphics.

Our team consist of extensive network of artists working collectively from Jakarta, Korea, US and Canada. Together, our aim is to bring next level campaign that can compete in a global market. We bring innovation through technology and creativity in our craft. We help brands that are bold enough to take their campaign to the next level and differentiate themselves from their competitors. 

We believe true creativity happens only through innovation. Our goal is to push the boundary for creativity and technology. To not only make a spectacle but technical art that changes the game!

Post-Workshop Showcase

Join the Spark AR Creator Days Facebook Group to share your new Instagram effects created during the workshop and get more feedback!

Event Host: Facebook Developer Circles Bandung

Developer Circles are communities of innovators, where experienced developers receive free opportunities to strengthen their expertise in Facebook products. Take part in online discussions and attend local meet-ups by joining one of hundreds of circles around the globe.

To join the Facebook Developer Circles Bandung community, you can request an invite here.


  • Michael Andrian


    Creative Technologist

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